As a challenge to myself, I've decided to embark on a daily picture project... Lots of photography groups have different 365 projects (where you take one picture a day and usually there is a theme you're supposed to follow each day). I'm just doing my own picture project where I'm going to make it a point to take a picture of something from my ordinary life every day. The idea behind these projects is to improve your skills, which is something that as a photographer, I feel you should always be doing! I'll be posting those images to this blog post and usually will write a little bit about the photo (or photos).
I hope you enjoy!
September 5, 2019:
I had trouble selecting just ONE image for this day... Sometimes I get a little carried away with pictures of my kiddos! This is Baby Griffin (9.5 weeks old) aka Bubba or Griffy Bear.
My goal here was to work on dramatic lighting with the harsh shadows on the right side of the photos, but once I got into post processing, I also thought these would make great black and white images. I also liked the contrast between the two images - in the first he's got a happy little smirk on his face and the second he's a little more serious. Both images steal my heart <3
September 6, 2019:
Part of the reason for this challenge is to make sure I capture pictures of BOTH of my kids together. I've noticed since Griffin was born that Callen WANTS to be in photos, but he's at an age where it's really hard for him to not be totally goofy when I'm trying to take his picture - so I take what I can get with him! HA!
I ended up picking 3 images today, because I didn't really get what I was going for... What I really wanted was the middle image (of both boys), but with smiles. I had a few where Callen was giving goofy smiles, but Griffy wasn't... or Griffy was smirking, but Callen wasn't even looking. Instead I settled on the "serious face" picture. I has also done a few individual pictures of both of them, so I included one of each :-)
I love dramatic shadows in photos, even though I know it goes against the "norm". With these, I had just our big window as lighitng, which was perfect. I figure with this project I'm going to play around with editing and this is a style I love, but am always nervous to take the risk and actually do it. I think I like how they came out.

September 7, 2019:
Nothing makes me happier than being able to share this passion with my children....But sharing it usually means taking pictures of them, which Callen isn't a HUGE fan of all the time. For Christmas last year he got is own camera and has been having a blast playing with it. I used it as an opportunity to take some pictures of him, while he was taking pictures of me - he thought it was hilarious. This day wasn't really about practicing any particular skill - this was more about sharing my love of photography with my little buddy.

​​September 8, 2019:
Farmers Market Day! I normally take pictures of people, but I just love these flowers that I snapped a pic of at the pop up farmers market. Such a lovely event in my town, that allows me to step out of my comfort zone and try taking pictures of subjects that I don't usually shoot.

September 9, 2019:
Sick days from school call for blanket beds on the living room floor. For these pictures, I decided to tell a story - you can see from beginning to end how Callen created his bed on the floor (one of his favorite pastimes - LOL)

September 10, 2019:
Sick day #2 and all the kiddos were asleep at the same time. I got all the way down on the ground to take the picture of Callen one of my favorite perspectives on pictures of kids. With Griffin, I tried to get as close as I could to show off his lashes! What I wouldn't do for natural lashes like that!

September 11, 2019:
This project has proven to be a little more difficult than I expected. With a newborn at home and a toddler who I'm shuttling around to school all day - I don't have as much time as I'd like to work on this challenge. After 2 days of having Callen home sick, I completely forgot about the challenge because I was busy trying to get the things that I hadn't gotten done in the past 2 days finished while he was at school. This picture is just an iPhone pic and it might look like Griffin is wearing the same outfit from the day before, but I swear we just have a lot of white onesies! I almost always take SOME pictures on my phone, so I just picked the cutest one from that day to share.

September 12, 2019:
After forgetting yesterday, I made sure to take my camera outside for a bit and do some nature photos. I love the way the close up of the pile of sticks came out, but I think I missed what I was trying to do on the bee picture. I think I had my settings wrong and my aperture was too low (in that photo it was set at 2.2, and I try not to really shoot below 2.8) - aperture effects the depth of field in a photograph and you may not be able to tell here, but the bee is slightly out of focus, which isn't what I was going for. I think the focus falls right under the bee, on the flower instead. I'll have to keep practicing that and try to get the bee in focus next time.

September 13, 2019:
Well... I did it again! I completely forgot my camera for our weekend camping trip, so I have 2 more days of iPhone photos to share! This picture really isn't technically correct in any way... the coloring is a little off, the focus is off, but I love it anways because it's my buddy roasting his own marshmallow and the first time I've been able to get a picture of that! As a photographer, I strive for perfection in all of my photos, but sometimes you just have to love a photo that isn't perfect.

September 14, 2019:
Although most of the iPhone photos I'll share won't be the best photos, I happen to think this one came out fantastic. Our campsite is in Barre MA and only 10 minutes away from the Stone Cow Brewery. Because I have terrible luck camping, it rained for most of the day on Saturday, so we haded to the Brewery and got to enjoy these beautiful views. This was SUCH a fun place - they have beer and food (and ice cream), they have indoor seating and they have a big covered pavilion with tables under it outside and a pretty cool playground for the kids to play on. There are farm animals that you can pet and the day we went they also had live music! It was awesome! Definitely worth the drive even if you're not right near there -

September 15,2019