Let me start by wishing everyone a (very belated) Happy New Year! I love the holidays, but am glad to be getting back into a routine now that the new year has started. This past year was a challenge. I went from being a mom of one, who worked part time and did photography part time, to being a mom of two, who is a stay at home mom, attempting to do photography part time… I thought it was going to be easy, and man was I wrong.

Since little G was born back in June, I have done a bunch of sessions - did some senior portraits, a first birthday and held my fall mini sessions. I figured while my little dude napped during the day, I’d be here crushing my business goals. I was so wrong! Right at about the time I was busting ass on my fall mini sessions, G went through a sleep regression and growth spurt and became super needy during the day… I figured he’d nap all day and I’d be here on my laptop editing and writing new content for my blog and doing all the other things I hoped to do to help my business grow. Instead, I was exhausted, with a baby who wouldn’t nap for more than 30 minutes unless I was rocking him in the bassinet or holding him. When he was awake, he needed my full attention. I can’t really compare my kids, because at this point in C’s life I was already back to work and he was in daycare full time, so I don’t know (and can’t remember) what he was like at this age. What I do know is being a stay at home mom was a way harder job than I expected!

I got through my fall season with some late nights and an amazing husband who took on full parenting duties some weekends so I could get all of my editing done. Then we got to the holiday season and I needed a break. I think as moms we put so much pressure on ourselves to get it all done, and it was clear as I was trying to adjust to being a stay at home mom, I needed to adjust my expectations of myself and cut myself a little slack.

My goal for the new year is to set realistic goals for my business and try to accomplish just one thing at a time, I’m going to try not to over schedule myself - both my family and my business, and I’m going to try to be kind to myself when I don’t hit my goals exactly when I hoped to. I’m looking forward to taking on new clients, continuing my photography education and trying out new photography techniques this year!
I’m excited about the upcoming year and can’t wait to see where I am in December!
Thanks for stopping by!